
Arithmemouse Addition Subtraction Game

Monday, 6 February 2012

*****Want to brag that your child knows their times tables, too? Try Times Tables Warp. Click link on this page. Times Tables Warp only $1.99.
*****"My children love this game and are getting faster than me at adding and subtracting tens and tens."-- Agatha Trumbal (Desktop Version)
Teaches ones+ or -ones ; tens + or - ones ; tens + or - tens.

Response to "Rutabaga" reviewer:
Rutabaga, put your thinking cap on.

This is a well tested game that has benefited many children.

The controls are simple: tilt forward and back to move forward and back, and left and right to slow down-- like a steering wheel that can tilt forward/back. These controls have been tested with children, are smooth and intuitive. Some adults have trouble because they pick up the app after their child has started playing-- thus without seeing the control description screen which is displayed prior to every game and in the screen grabs here.

There are no bugs in this app and refunds are honored by either Apple or me. Rutabaga has characterized a feature in the game as a bug. That is, when a player gets the correct answer but flies poorly into a wrong answer area at the same time, they are transported back a few feet to try again. Most players simply fly through the empty spot left by getting the correct answer. It certainly never "crashes" and nobody has ever complained about this feature until now. Apple has no report of this app ever crashing.

Negative reviews hurt small developers. This game is the result of one person's effort, me-- costs thousands to develop and is only $2. With tens+-tens as well as tens+-ones, and ones +-ones, this game can challenge almost any age.
[end of response]

The Arithmemouse Addition Subtraction Game improves accuracy and speed with random timed ones & ones, tens & ones, tens & tens addition and subtraction questions wrapped in an exciting 3D game.

Learning comes before arcade skills. Absent are life meters or punishment for failure. The "blasting asteroids" arcade element is only for fun. Children can ignore the asteroids or destroy them; either way, it does not affect learning/scoring.

This is a game suitable for a wide variety of ages. Sure there are questions like 2+2=?, but also much more challenging questions. Quickly, what is 73-27? Okay how about 97+25? These are the sort of questions you can find in this game on the hardest level.

During questions, players can slow down a good bit, but not stop altogether thus creating a timed element. This is important as children often take timed tests at school as part of standardized testing.

Subtraction and addition methods can be complex, so parents be prepared to help go through the tutorials. The key is to encourage your child's small first steps-- no matter how small they are. Rome was not built in a day, and so it may take some time to grasp these concepts (weeks/months/years).

Teachers/Parents, I know that there are other methods (particularly for subtraction), but these are the ones that most parents will know (can help with), and children are asked within the game to keep an open mind as other methods exist. This game cost thousands to develop; costs very little; so, please be kind in your reviews/critique. Negative reviews hurt edutainment developers who could be making zombie games or some such.

Please write for feedback. I read all letters. Thank you.

Try Times Tables Warp as well (link on this page). - 75.5 Mb - 75.5 Mb

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