
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Weather Forecaster Pro

At any moment, use your iPhone, to obtain information about the weather in your city!
And not just in your city, but anywhere around the world!
Weather Forecaster PRO application provides you the most expeditious and qualitative meteorological information! Now you can learn the most accurate weather information anywhere on the globe, becoming the owner of a Meteo informer with exclusive properties in your iPhone.

Weather Forecaster PRO offers the most accurate and complete information on all weather categories:
•Air temperature.
•Sunrise and sunset

Working with Weather Forecaster PRO is incredibly easy and convenient:
•You have the search function, with which it is easy to find out the weather forecast of any, even a very small locality.
•For your convenience, you can save the locations you prefer the most in your Favorites.
•You do not need to wait for a long time connection, because the program does not have the hold regime.
•Information is transmitted in a clear and quite extensive form.
The application contains features, by which everyone can competently get informed of the coming changes in the weather conditions.
The Weather Forecaster PRO is perfect like nothing else when a lot depends on the weather.

► At any time, you can observe the movement of the cloud cover of the atmosphere using the satellite image of the application.
►search function is possible not only for localities, but also for airports. Enter the name or the identification code IATA of the airport you're interested in. Weather Forecaster PRO will give you a detailed forecast for this airport.
The big advantage is the current weather at the airport, click on the icon of the aircraft in the upper right corner in viewing regime of the airport weather forecast.
► You're on the road and having trouble finding the forecast for the area that you are passing? Use the application Weather Forecaster PRO, which will determine your location and the surrounding localities to provide you with an accurate forecast for the area.
 ►If you do not have access to the Internet, do not loose heart, Weather Forecaster PRO contains a list of weather signs by which you can predict the weather.
Also, you can determine the current temperature with the help of the microphone in your iPhone, properly calibrating the noise levels.

Weather Forecaster PRO – a system, due to which the leading television weather forecasts are no longer recognizable on the streets!

What's new in Version 2.1
✓ Airports service
✓ searching by the name and code
✓ weather forecast
✓ detailed geographical information about the airport
✓ current weather in the airport
✓ adding the airport in the list of favorites
✓ defining the temperature
✓ using microphone
✓ device calibration for the given service
✓ 23 seasonal weather signs
✓ help information about using the program - 11.1 Mb

Continue... PRO

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für ungestörtes Surfen ohne Werbebanner

Selbstverständlich stehen Ihnen auch alle bisherigen Wetterinformationen inklusive vielen nützlichen Spezialwetterbereichen zur Verfügung.

Allgemeine Features der App:

Aktuelle Wetterdaten und Prognosen für ganz Österreich
Übersichtliche Anzeigen mit Wetterlage Temperatur, Windstärke, Windrichtung

Praktische Suchfunktion per Ortsname oder PLZ Eingabe
Wetterprognose für Ihren Standort (GPS Ortung)
Detailprognosen für den heutigen und morgigen Tag (Vormittag, Nachmittag, Abend, Nacht)

Prognosen für die nächsten Tage für jeden gewünschten Ort
Badewetter mit Wassertemperaturen und Prognosen für jeden See in Österreich

Skiwetter und Prognosen für ca. 270 Skigebiete in Österreich

Segel- und Surfwetter mit Windrichtungen und Windstärken

Biowetter bestehend aus bis zu 4 Belastungsindizes (Herz/Kreislauf, Rheuma usw.)

Pollenwetter bestehend aus bis zu 4 Belastungsindizes (Gräser, Birke, Buche, usw.)

Niederschlags-, Wind- und Temperaturvorhersagefilme für Österreich

Internationales Wetter mit übersichtlicher weltweiter Suchfunktion

Gewünschte Orte als Favoriten speichern 

Selbstverständlich werden die Features unserer App regelmäßig erweitert. Für Anregungen schreiben Sie uns einfach eine E-Mail an - 16.1 Mb - 16.1 Mb


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